Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cooking in ovens. Does it really matter?

Does the type of oven really matter? The answer is ABSOLUTELY. Gas ovens give a different type of heat thus cooking the pizza very uniformly. Pizza isn't supposed to be uniform. You're supposed to have a few burnt pieces of cheese, some crispy toppings and of course the bubbles on top. 

Faster cooking time - Because of the high heat stored in the dense walls, the brick oven is designed to cook pizza very quickly. It takes approximately 2-3 minutes maximum for the pizza to cook. This is very economical if you need to cook a lot of pizzas!
Better crust - At such high temperatures, the radiant heat from the fire and the heat bouncing off the inside walls of the oven crisps the outside of the pizza very quickly. Any moisture in the dough is thus sealed off. This prevents the base of the dough from becoming soggy and results in a flavorful crust that's puffy, yet soft and chewy.

Unique flavor - Only a wood-fired brick oven pizza imparts that unique smoky flavor that cannot be reproduced in a normal kitchen oven. The high temperature produces other flavors not achieved by slow cooking. However, as heat destroys the flavor of olive oil, there is usually none contained in either the dough or the sauce. Instead, a good-quality olive oil is drizzled over the cooked pizza right before serving.
Crispier toppings - The intense heat and constant airflow generated in the brick oven seals and cooks the toppings evenly and quickly. The vegetable toppings will be crispier than those produced on pizzas made in the oven. This quick cooking also allows the vitamins and other nutrients in the vegetables to remain. In addition, the cheese does not burn but, instead, lends itself to an appealing color and smoky flavor.
Owning a brick pizza oven has its own benefits; it is both economical and efficient. It is economical in that more than one pizza can be cooked at a time and foods other than pizza can be cooked inside. It is efficient as foods cook quicker, resulting in healthier ingredient and better tasting pizza. Not only that, but your friends and family will be so impressed! -

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  1. Remember to add some pictures or videos to your posts to help engage your audience.
