Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bringing pizza styles to different locales!

I was reading an article on Pizza Marketplace ( and it shows that consumers WANT WANT WANT different locales of pizza in their local neighborhoods. So it got me to thinking...why not overnight pizzas all around the country? This is something I would like to implement at the restaurant. Louis in Denver? Absolutely. Is this a possibility, why of course it is. A few packages of dry ice on a half baked pizza overnighted to anywhere in the USA. This is my goal by the holiday season. What better gift to arrive than a Detroit style pizza in the mail.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite pizza, Lou Malanati's in Chicago delivers their deep dish pizza on dry ice and it still tastes amazing. I order it from time to time when I have withdrawals. Luckily, I'll be going to Chicago to weekend to get my fix in. I think its a great idea to ship pizza anywhere in the world. I'll have to try some of this Louis Pizza!
